Privacy (GDPR) Audit & Regulation
GDPR audit & Regulation

What is a GDPR audit?
The audit looks at whether you have effective controls in place alongside fit for purpose policies and procedures to support your data protection obligations. We check if you are following data protection legislation as it applies to your organisation and the resulting report makes recommendations on how to improve.

What are the 6 GDPR principles?
The data protection principles that would be impacted include
1 – lawful, fair and transparent;
2 – limited for its purpose and 6 – integrity and confidentiality. Data that is collected for deceptive or misleading purposes is not fair and may not be lawful.
What is GDPR?
The EU general data protection regulation (GDPR) is the strongest privacy and security law in the world. This regulation updated and modernized the principles of the 1995 data protection directive. It was adopted in 2016 and entered into application on 25 May 2018.
What is the importance of a GDPR audit? GDPR audit value.
Helps to ensure that relevant data protection policies are enforced. Identifies vulnerabilities in processes that could lead to data breaches. Assess internal control mechanisms. Helps to clarify and communicate the allocation of responsibilities within the organization.